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Privacy Redesigned

$TYPHOON is a project designed to revolutionize privacy on the blockchain. Just like its namesake, $TYPHOON will unleash a storm of privacy, ensuring that your crypto transactions remain confidential and untraceable.


How It Works

$TYPHOON leverages cutting-edge zk-SNARKs technology to obfuscate transaction details, making it virtually impossible to trace the origin and destination of your funds. Here's how it works:

Depositing Funds

Users initiate the privacy process by depositing their Ethereum into the $TYPHOON smart contract. These deposits are completely anonymous and do not link to any user identity.

Privacy Pool

Deposited funds are combined with those of other users in a secure and decentralized privacy pool. This pooling of assets ensures that the source of funds is concealed, enhancing privacy.


When users wish to withdraw their funds, $TYPHOON provides an equivalent amount of Ethereum, further safeguarding privacy. These withdrawals are structured to break any association between the deposited and withdrawn funds.

What We offer?

Complete Anonymity

$TYPHOON ensures your blockchain transactions are completely anonymous, protecting your financial privacy.


Our platform operates without centralized control, ensuring trustless and censorship-resistant privacy.

User-Friendly Interface

$TYPHOON offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, making privacy accessible to all.


Our smart contracts and privacy mechanisms are rigorously audited and constantly monitored to ensure the highest level of security.

CONTRACT: 0x63FA3Ea921B233940bc89639AFd263C062523545


Total Supply

5% Tax

100% locked Liquidity

Renounced Ownership


Phase 01


  • Launch website and socials
  • Pre launch marketing
  • Launch $TYPHOON on Uniswap
  • Dextools update & ETH trending

Phase 02


  • CMC listing & CG listing
  • Release Typhoon DAPP
  • Integrated partnerships
  • Multi-chain expansion

Phase 03


  • Non KYC Typhoon card
  • P2P Typhoon Cash
  • Release Typhoon Swap
  • CEX listing

Join the Privacy Storm:

Become a part of the $TYPHOON community and experience unmatched privacy on the blockchain. Say goodbye to prying eyes and hello to financial freedom.

Join us as we redefine privacy in the world of cryptocurrencies. Together, we'll create a storm of privacy that will protect your Ethereum transactions from all angles.



While $TYPHOON is committed to providing enhanced privacy, we prioritize legal compliance. In the event of a valid court-issued mandate, $TYPHOON will cooperate with law enforcement agencies. We value the importance of a secure and lawful ecosystem for all users.